Samples of published articles from agricultural trade magazines.
Wheat, Oats and Barley - February 2009
Silver Award - 2009
Canadian Farm Writers' Federation, Technical Feature
Complexity makes for daunting task for breeders.
Canola, Pulse and Special Crops Guide
Bronze Award - 2010
Canadian Farm Writers' Federation, Technical Feature
Mother Nature can be a farmer's best friend and worst enemy. Learning how to work with her may be the next big thing in prairie agriculture.
Wheat, Oats and Barley – February 2011
Farmers might not railways much but simple physics says they’re stuck with them until someone figures out a better alternative
Country Guide – November 2004
If you think of diesel engines as smoky and smelly, think again. Like other power plants, these farm workhorses are getting a strong dose of pollution abatement.
Canola, Pulse and Specialty Crops Guide – February 2010
A new gene manipulation technology promises fast and furious results in plant development without using foreign DNA.
Canola, Pulse and Specialty Crops Guide – February 2010
Predictions of phosphorus shortages may be exciting for doom and gloomers but the truth is there’s plenty – for now. But the economic realities for fertilizer production will likely mean a lot of ups and downs in prices.
Crops Guide – January 2012
Premier Issue Cover Story
The ground beneath our feet is more complex than most of us would think – and understanding and working with that complexity is a key to sustainable agriculture.
Yield Manitoba – February 2003
Crop Traits and Variety Differences Key to Puzzle
Nature’s Check Against Ag Pests
Manitoba Co-operator - July 10, 2003
In Search of the Best Crop Combo to Anchor Sandy Soils
Growing Forward – January 2012
Nature abhors a vacuum. She just isn’t happy with unoccupied space and the same applies to soil.
Moving Pens Protects Water and Herd
Growing Forward – January 2012
Real estate people tell us it’s all about location, location, location. Garth Livingston will tell you the same is true with cattle barns.